the real social network

world's only exclusive social network! get early access and and make history!!!

what's good in the hood?

prelaunch offer

Get 1 month premium plan worth 1000 INR for free.

1 month premium plan 100 maphood coins flat 50% discount on gifts flat 33% discount on party pass
Get my passport

I fully agree to the platform's terms of service.

gift to connect

find your hood

Discover like minded people online in interest based live chats across hoods! Gift to follow your favourite people on maphood -friends, artists, creators, champions etc. Meet like minded people at maphood parties!


What is maphood?

maphood is a new age social network where there are no fake profiles and bots! every user is required to create a maphood passport with their government ID! Engage in interest based live chats across hoods - india, college, school etc. Buy gifts (gifter) to connect with your favourite people (giftee)! gifts are purchased using maphood coins! Gifts can be redeemed as real money! Also pre book unlimited weekend party pass in select cities!.

get 1 month premium plan worth 1000 INR for free

get my passport
it is all about getting real for real - making social networking great again.  


Maphood ensures transparency and security for all users.

maphood passport

the details on your maphood passport - name, age and gender are retrieved from government ID! every maphood passort has a unique number! you can also link other social handles to your maphood passport! your most credible digital identity!

maphood coin

You can buy gifts (gifter) to connect with others (giftee) on maphood! gifts can be bought using maphood coins! you can also redeem money on the value of the gifts received! 1 maphood coin = 1 INR

maphood hoods

You can interact in various hoods like India, city, college, school etc. hoods are basically worlds with interest based live chats. You can engage in discussions with like minded people! You can also support your favourite people with maphood coins and gifts (real money).

maphood leaderboard

You can become the most influention person across hoods! maphood leaderboard features the most popular people across hoods based on gifts and coins! Rewards for top contributors of the community too.

maphood Party

You can also meet like minded people at maphood parties in select cities! parties will be at hard rock cafe or social offline! You can pre book party unlimited weekend party pass that offers with unlimited food and drinks at cost price!

it is all about getting real for real - making social networking great again.  

How to use

get maphood passport

verify your mobile number and aadhaar ID to generate unique maphood passport number

get maphood coins

get 100 maphood coins with 1 month premium plan worth 1000 INR for free as part of pre launch offer!

discover hoods

engage in interest based live chats across hoods (Launching Soon)

buy gift

send gifts to connect and support like minded people


Maphood coin is the first of its kind social currency that can be redeemed as real money! You can buy gifts (gifter) using maphood coins for your favourite people (giftee)! Giftee can redeem the value of gifts in maphood coin as real money! 1 maphood coin = 1 INR (inclusive of all taxes)

owner: 70%

coin owner can redeem 70% of coin value as real money on reaching certain threshold

taxes: 18%

18% of coin value is paid as GST tax to government

rewards: 6%

6% of coin value is allocated to champion fund to reward top users

operations: 3%

3% of coin value is used to run day to day operations of maphood

Fees: 3%

3% of coin value is paid as fees to payment gateway



1: "passport (live across india)"

- Unique number.
- Govt ID verified.
- No fake, only real.

2: "Hood (coming soon)"

- India, city, college, school worlds.
- Interest based live chats.
- Meet like minded people.

3: "Gift's (coming soon)"

- Gift to connect & support.
- Buy using coins.
- Redeem gifts as coin.

4: "Coin (coming soon)"

- Social currency.
- Buy gifts using coin.
- Redeem coin as money.

5: "Party (live in delhi & mumbai)"

- Pre-book party.
- Unlimited weekend pass.
- More cities soon.

Party Cities


how to join maphood?

you need to create a maphood passport with your govt ID! maphood passport has a unique number! maphood passport is valid forever!

how to send gift?

you need to visit maphood passport of the giftee! you can select any gift and pay using maphood coins?Your name along with the gift will appear on giftee's passport!

how to redeem money?

You can redeem real money directly in your bank account for the value of gifts received in maphood coins when you reach a defined threshold! you will have to verify your bank account number and pan number too for all complainces!

why updgrade to premium plan?

You will get 50% flat disocunt on all gifts, 33% flat discount on unlinimited weekend party pass in additon to free access to holds!